Thursday, September 18, 2008

Online Video

I was already pretty aware of online video. There are several sites ( is just one off the top of my head) I visit regularly to watch humorous video snippets. And I love that I can catch t.v. shows I've missed online now, instead of waiting for them to inevitably rerun and trying to figure out what day that's going to be. For example, I missed the season premiere of "Bones" this season because I wasn't aware what date it was starting... but I just zipped over to and watched it the following weekend.

My only complaint about watching videos online is that I can't get as comfortable. There's something to be said for parking my keester in the recliner and kicking back to watch the good ol' fashioned television. I just cannot get that comfortable sitting in an office chair, watching shows on my computer monitor.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Five minutes on Facebook...

usually turns into two hours. Or so one of my pieces of flair says.

I must admit, I do love Facebook. It has become quite addictive. I usually don't visit it everyday (I just don't have the time), but when I do log in, it's usually on my days off and for many hours at a time. And just when I think it's starting to get boring, I find another new application to add that sucks up even more of my time. (If you'd like to add me as a friend, search for "Michelle Marie Mitchell" in Melrose Park, IL.)

I think it would be intriguing to have a Franklin Park Library Facebook page. The possibilities for what you could put on there are nearly endless, especially if several people have access to modify the page.

The only thing that I'm unhappy with as far as Facebook goes is that they are in the process of switching people's accounts over to a new format. I'm not a big fan of this format... I find the other, older format to be more user friendly.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Apps Are Great

I have been using the Google Office applications since we tried to do the first Tech Training program last year. I tend to use word processing much more than the spreadsheet app, but I think both are great. I use it mainly to keep a list of the cd's I would like to order for the library. What's so great about Google is that it's all stored online and I don't have to worry about forgetting my flash drive or having the file saved on just one computer. I also use Google calendar. It's nice to be able to access the calendar from both home and work. I do have an account with 30 Boxes. It's really nice for birthday reminders. The Letterpop newsletter application seems really cool. I'm sure the other office suites are nice, too, but since I already have an account with Google, I didn't want to sign up to use the other office suites.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Micro-blogging & Music Online

I'm going to condense the two "lessons" into one post here...

I think I'm clear on the whole concept of micro-blogging. I signed up for a Twitter account a few months ago, but I'm still not entirely sure how to activate it. When I go to the site and try to enter my cell phone number, it asks me for a country code and I'm not sure what it is. The directions they give you on that site are not very straightforward. I've talked to my friends online about Twitter and I've gotten many mixed reviews about it. I've also read articles about it and am aware of the site's tendency to crash. So, it seems like it has room to improve.

As for music online... I listen to it all the time. I have accounts at both and, although I think the latter has better quality music, the former has more diversity.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Well, I read up on mash-ups and played around with a couple of them. I think they are fascinating and a lot of fun. I'm sure there are many out there that are perfect in professional atmospheres, too.

From what the wikipedia article said, mash-ups are becoming more and more the norm to see online. It just makes me wonder what else "they" will come up with in a few years that makes mash-ups look antiquated. That seems to be the general trend with all of technology.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I was around for all the excitement about Vodaphone. England, Europe, Japan and Korea have been way ahead of us on using SMS as individuals and in England they have been finding ways to apply the technology to library services for more than a decade. We have just switched to sending emailed notices to people when we know that most of our patrons don't have computers at home..... We can be sure that upwards of 85% have cell phones, maybe we should have leapfrogged over email.

I use text messaging with my kids--- Ashamed to admit especially when I know they are in class...
but, I pay per message so I don't use it all that much.

I hate what txtng is doing to the informality of kids written language--- I had to stop somebody from sending a cover letter with his resume "that u requested"


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Google Labs

To consider oneself technologically aware it is imperitive to keep abreast of everything Google is doing. They can change the entire environment with one product, much like Google Reader has changed RSS aggregators or iGoogle has changed start pages.

I have used Google applications and APIs for many projects and will do so in the future as long as they continue to "Do no evil."